Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sine Qua Non

No final grade until:

1) Evidence of submission of restaurant and one other piece of content from this semester.

2) One piece of multimedia posted on Videolicious from profile.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Some Gary Kamiya Links

Profile shown on Thefacebook in 2005
Profile shown on Thefacebook in 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
where we will meet and greet

through Salon

research rapture

on facebook

And I just asked to become his Facebook friend. But what if I were profiling him? Lots of posts on this topic.

On to Linked In.

barbarians at the parlor door

this is a serious thoughtful guy

let us now praise editors

Salon's first ten years

one city under the syringe

the outsiders

Let's make an assignment out of this: Do a 1-2 page "snapshot" of Gary with some good description, due Thursday. One sentence in your draft should begin, "When I asked him my toughest question, he........"

If the question is so obvious that his response would naturally arise in an interview without prompting, you will edit out the lead-in.